Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hiring a Housekeeper and rumblings of New Blog

For those who don't know, I recently was laid off. This was not a bad thing, but it was an abrupt wake-up to me that I had been 'cocooning' long enough and it was time to start the next leg of my journey. In a whirlwind of inspiration and openness to whatever came to me, I landed myself a new job. I basically ended my last day of work on my usual Thursday, and by the following Tuesday, I was offered a new job.

Since one of the things on my bucket list was to get certified to be a Personal Trainer, I applied for a Sales position that required a CPT but that said they would certify me. This was my big red neon sign flashing from the Universe that it was waiting for me to get to it. So, through the first week, I was studying, scrambling and testing for all my certifications (CPT, First Aid, Infant and Adult CPR and AED).

So here I am, officially in my second week, and am just barely now coming up for air. It's been a HUGE adjustment: New industry, new schedule, going from working 25 hrs on the clock to over 40, and to top it all off, I did a cleanse for the first 10 days of my employment as well as bike commuting again after 2 weeks off, and back at the gym after about 4 wks off. I barely know which way is up, but I am watching this weird and very cool metamorphosis of my priorities. I am realizing what a stranglehold I had on keeping order in my home, but I'm finding that I just can't keep it up.

You may say "You're getting older. I can't keep up". I see it more as "I'm getting older and I'm really honing in on how I prioritize my time and energy." It's a matter asking myself whether it's worth it to do the everyday cleaning of keeping up with my own standards, or let my standards go.

I chose option three: pay someone to keep up my standards. For many years, I made money cleaning other peoples' homes for pay as well as keeping up my own home. I know what hard but rewarding work it can be. I also know how far that extra money can go. When I was younger, I remember going to my aunt and uncle's and they were picking up their toys because their housekeeper was coming that day. I thought them terribly rich, extravagant - and I am somewhat ashamed to admit - wasteful. Now, here I am, weighing what is 'extravagant' against my sanity and my commitment to the task at hand of moving forward on my journey.

With all these changes, and these new insights from all this new stimuli, I feel like the title 'Edible Discoveries' no longer captures the essence of all my discoveries of late.  However, I don't want narrow my blog to only one topic. I'm not sure exactly what the 'theme' of the next blog will be, but it will be under the title of Artemis Moon Journeys. For more about why I have named the new blog as such, please visit the new blog - once it's up - at:

I'll try to resurface soon, and post a few more recipe/foodie ideas here and let you know when we anticipate the official 'grand opening' of the new blog.

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