Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Day 2 - Slow re-adjustment

Yesterday was a stressful day for me personally. I had a lot to do and a lot on my mind. However, I managed to keep to the eating plan. I actually ended up stretching my eating times out so I 'missed' a meal. However, I did not have an intense workout in the mix - I went for a run, but no heaving lifting, so that 5th meal wasn't necessary.

I ended up with an empty tank at about 8:45 or so, and woke up this morning feeling really well rested, but the body is stiff and sore. I had a massage yesterday, which helped but today is a pilates/yoga/walk day instead of the originally planned strength training day.

Foodwise, I've come up with some interesting combinations. In the fridge right now are the following READY TO EAT items (everything is homemade):

  • Chicken breasts
  • Whole chicken meat - deboned (mostly...)
  • Almond milk
  • Cooked collard green leaves, ready for wraps
  • Roasted sweet potato, zucchini, carrot and onion topped with roasted beets
  • blueberry vinnaigrette
  • roasted strawberry vinaigrette
  • ginger mayonnaise (the ginger was a happy accident - I grabbed it instead of mustard!)
  • A HUGE bruised kale salad with shredded carrot, slivered red onion and cabbage
  • Salmon Burgers
  • sauerkraut
  • chai tea
  • boiled eggs
I think there may be a few other items in there I'm forgetting. However, today was a low-energy day. I am pretty sore and detox-y, so just a brisk walk this morning and some pilates this evening. It's been a tough day foodwise and a lot of old demons came back this evening but my last meal of the day had protein and was all Whole30 approved, so I stayed on track in that respect, and that's enough for today.

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