So, this is my thing. I'm going to be a blogger now. This started as a way to promote my In-Home Food Prep service and record recipes, but it has evolved into my own discoveries in life. In trying to build my business, I delved deeper into my own passions and talents and am coming back/up with a clear vision of where I am headed. Part of that vision includes documenting the journey.
From a child, I have liked order. I've liked to organize things, chart them, find their similarities and differences and then categorize them. To a degree, that's natural. But it's sometimes a distraction for me, especially when I have a flock of ideas coming at me and no way to filter them down. I've been going through a 'second awakening' since right around my birthday - which happens to coincide with the new calendar year.
Since January of this year,I have been journalling in a book to document my life, since it seems a lot has happened that I want to remember. I started with a journal, and will likely continue to use it for notes and my more mundane 'stats'. But it seems intuitively like it's time for me to start sharing my insights with others. I'm sure I'll keep the journal for more private topics, but for now, My goal is to pick a topic and write 2 or three times a week online, even if it's just a paragraph. Not only will it be an opportunity to learn to craft my thoughts more effectively, it will encourage me to learn more about social media. When the time comes for me to finally settle on a business name and put up the dough for a business license, I'll want to have some rudimentary knowledge of social media, as well as other ways of getting my name and reputation out there.
It's been a daily onslaught of enlightenment with little resources to get them all down. I've been Pinning and Facebooking and journalling, but it's not enough. So this evening in the bathtub, I started developing this idea to build a database for all these ideas, so I can eventually ponder each one and write about it. And then I realized I should stop procrastinating and just get to writing and then let the rest fall into place.
See? Right there. BAM! Another epiphany.
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