Friday, December 28, 2012

Epiphany 2013

Growing up, Epiphany was the time after Christmas where we waited with anticipation for the 'wise men' to arrive to gift the christ-child with spices and wealth. Nowadays, it is the time between Christmas and New Year's (and sometimes as late as my birthday) when normal habits and responsibilities are suspended and I can allow my mind and heart to wander the spirit world and return with Epiphanies: a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. 

Today was one of my first clear epiphanies in a while: Renaissance Woman. I am a renaissance woman. I have a deep connection and passion for a number of different areas, many that help me make money. I am a musician in a band, I am a Doula and part of a Doula Group, I clean and cleanse homes, I do tarot readings, I prepare healthy and nutritious meals for  my community. I strive to be what historically was the town wise woman or 'witch'.  In my research I found an interesting paper about the subject, but in particular, this opening statement resonated for me: "Women have always been healers. They were the unlicensed doctors and anatomists of western history. They were abortionists, nurses and counsellors. They were pharmacists, cultivating healing herbs and exchanging the secrets of their uses. They were midwives, travelling from home to home and village to village. For centuries women were doctors without degrees, barred from books and lectures, learning from each other, and passing on experience from neighbor to neighbor and mother to daughter. They were called "wise women" by the people, witches or charlatans by the authorities. Medicine is part of our heritage as women, our history, our birthright" (

This concept helps me understand why I am interested in such a broad range of topics. I am called to be a wise woman. It helps me to let go of guilt about flitting from one thing to another, and helps me understand that my whole life experience is informing my wisdom and that MY understanding of each idea and topic helps me weave the knowledge I gain together into a unique perspective. 

On other topics - this health intermission is wearing on me. It's interesting how knowing that I cannot effectively begin a cleanse right now, make me anticipate and look forward to it. At least it's not been a month long intermission - only a week or two.