Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday ... February 25th?

I've lost track of time. I have narrowed my mental scope to what must be done today, this morning, this minute.

Being sick is never fun, and for me it brings the unique opportunity to listen in on my self talk, and when I am ready, to start telling a different story. I tend to rush through the "I'm sick" part of my story, without truly listening into what my body is telling me.

'Slow down', She says.
'Take care of your body', She says.
'Yes, yes. I know, I know. It's just that I don't have time to do ---- right now.' I say, callously brushing aside my body's request.

Now, I know that I play a part in the situation I am in right now. In fact, it is all coming from my allowing. I have allowed external expectations to take precedence over my intuition. But by saying that, I am not making a judgment on myself. I acknowledge it, because I can use it to turn the tides. I can allow myself to listen to My Essence. 

I am listening intuitively to my body and practicing sorting through the external cues telling me what I "should" do (everything from 'take this sick day to get stuff done around the house' to 'call the doctor, because this could be the early stages of some mortal disease, and I'll feel like an idiot if I don't take action right away'), to the small but sure voice that says 'slow down, clear your mind and listen with your heart, not your head' and then 'love yourself in this moment'.

I acknowledge that voice. It is my True Self, my Essence, my inner Warrior Goddess. I acknowledge that I am worthy of self care. I can take time to rest and heal, and I know in my heart that my body knows how to heal. It's talking now, quietly, saying:

'Yes' to meditation
'Yes' to mobility and gentle movement.
'Yes' to a soothing bath and fresh water.

There might even be a nap in my future. I'll keep listening.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

February 21-22,2015

For a long time I have had a beautiful relationship on stage making music. Since the events of two years ago and the band's break up and reforming, it has brought a new perspective to my life. I truly love making music, and I want to keep doing so as much as I can, but I want to develop my teaching side as well. The new band structure is helping me transition into a more public figure, and is challenging me to be authentic in who I am. It is all tied into who I am and what I want to be in the story of my life.

I've started a list of my personal mantras that help me through tough times or moments when I am trying to get my grounding and perspective in turbulent times:

1) Foster a curiosity about life. Along the same lines: Turn your worry into wonder.

2) Develop a generous heart.

3) The reflection by which we measure ourselves tends to be the measure by which we judge the experiences and people in our lives. The kinder and more supportive we can be with ourselves, the more we can bring that to the people around us.

4) Whatever you are doing, commit your whole self to it in the moment.

5) I have all the wisdom within me to know what I need right now.

All that said, today I feel like I'm tumbling. I'm having some physical issues that are new to me. I've tried explaining it away to the point I've driven myself to Web.MD to try and diagnose myself with everything from menopause to gonnorrhea to M.S. I don't know how to pinpoint it, so I keep aiming my 'wellness shotgun' at the problem...

Among other ailments, I have some kind of skin infection on various parts of my body, which add to my restless misery (oh the drama!!) My left ear is one and is a good gauge for how miserable I feel right now.