Wednesday, January 20, 2016

January 20,2016

I have a 12 hour day today. 


For some people this is a regular occurrence. There was a time when I was willing to make long days like this a regular practice, but it became evident that my health and well-being would suffer. I'm in a place in my life now where I don't feel the need to push like I used to. However, in this growing phase of my business and in this role as a coach and guide, I recognize there are times when long days are required. So I counterbalance with as much self care as possible.

I've been spending time each evening reviewing my tasks for the coming day, and preparing anything needed to help me get through the next day. I took time on my weekend to prepare a delicious and gigantic kale salad. I can now use that salad as a base, adding my protein source to it as needed or desired for each day. I aim to make one large meal, with enough left over that I have something nutritious and delicious to grab from the fridge at any given time. Just like anything else in my life right now, it is a daily practice and I need to actively practice each day.

I woke up at 6 AM and know that I need to be fully prepared and ready to head out the door by 8 AM. So what do I do with those two hours? Well, I meditated for about 15 or 20 minutes, and I am writing this blog as I simultaneously prepare a small batch of quinoa and rice breakfast cereal. I use this both as breakfast cereal, as well as an evening snack by adding strawberries or fresh apple pulp/sauce. 
In cereal form, I add a couple eggs, some stevia and vanilla and make a protein packed concoction.

Next, I will make a smoothie/green juice, put together a lunch from the items I have prepared over the last couple of days that are waiting for me in my fridge, and take a very quick shower.
Kale salad topped with 1/4 avocado, a diced chicken thigh from last night's dinner, a handful of chickpeas and topped with garlic dressing made with homemade mayo.

And off I go! 

Did you know fresh purple kale smells just like roses to me?

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